How Ludicrous
I could actually complete my physics! :D
I never ever thought I could do science. Chemistry and physics. Yet... for this examination, I felt this quiet confidence I've never felt before in doing science - I was hopeful. And that is almost ethereal, that I no longer felt such hopeless a person. I guess this examinations proved that I actually can study if I really want to. It was just about practicing and learning to like the subject. I never thought I'd like any of these subjects. Strangely, I'm rather obsessed with them now. Could there be anything more miraculous than this? Well, at least I thought I can survive with this examination - all my subjects except for principles of accounts, of which I totally have no idea of how to get about doing it.
I guess my class is going start having a mockfest about my failure and incompetency as I sink my head, glancing the floor once again and Mr Goh is probably going to be mad at me and himself as well - which evokes a guilt so unbearable I might even call excruciating. Talk about ludicrousity. Because Sae Seah Chun Heng, number 27 of class secondary 4 express, is the only person in the principles of accounts class to fail the subject! Start gawking all you want(*buries my head into the ground.*)
Been moody these days. I guess males suffer from PMS as well :/

Someone please help stop these mood swings.
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