Saturday, May 3, 2008


I've spent like and hour and a half "studying" principle of accounts, copying everything from the "O" level guide books and stuff. And you know what, I don't know what was I even doing. Talking about stupidity. It seemed all like a pure waste of time and that I've learnt nothing. I am officially deemed hopeless.

Now I'm just shifting all my attention to biology. Since I might not be able to survive my accounts, I might as well pay more attention to my sciences - they stand much higher chance of passing. In fact, ironically, I'm actually shifting all my attention to the math and sciences. Never expected such a day to come. So for L1R5, I'm probably going for english, chinese, math, science, biology and humanities. I'm walking on thin line, I know. Either I make it or I kill myself. Therefore for June's intensive coaching, I'm going to be giving my all - or so I think :3

Sigh, is there anybody in this world dumber than Sae? God, I'm probably the worst student GYSS ever had in their history of students taking principles of accounts. I should die or something, ARGGGGHH.


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