Friday, May 2, 2008

R.I.P, Miss Tay

And also,

Dearest Miss Tay,
Though the times I've spent with you were few
and for only a year I could remember you.
I was a child and you were my teacher,
we were a nuisance but you were so patient.
You taught us our school song,
you voice resound in tingles.
Though your time here is short,
but your legacy lives long.
What's material dies one day,
but the immaterial memories you left behind never dies.
I may not know you well,
and I may not have too many memories with you,
but all I can ever remember is your night tingale voice
and your ever demure demeanour.

Rest In Peace, Dearest Miss Tay,
for nothing can ever rob me of the times we've spent,
for the whole of secondary one I've lived.
It is eternally a memory, that
neither death, nor time can steal.

See you one day, where we can spend eternally happy days.
Thank you for being a teacher,
thank you for existing,
thank you for being a creation of God.

Yet again, I silently feel happy that you've gone to a better place,
where pain and sadness exists no more.

See you soon.


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