For My Jerusalem

I have come to realize how powerful dreams can really be.
I've seen many people, and so have you - almost everyone you see, feel unhappy about their lives. To be honest, even myself too. But I've come to realize that through all these trials and tribulations, I haven't given up nor have I felt unhappy about anything - even if there are, I just let it go. Why so? Because I've come to learn how to look into my dreams, aspirations and visions.
As you take a walk through the society, you see many angry people. Some unhappy with their lives, some with their jobs, some with their insufficiencies, etc. But when you ask them, what do they really want, they can't give you an outright solid answer. Most of the time, it's probably something material and short-term. Like, more money, for some sickness to be gone etc. They don't realize that some things have already happened, or need to be worked toward. And they tend to shrug off a dream as well, just a dream.
I have to admit, I'm a pretty stubborn person. And through all these hardships and sneering, I've stubbornly clung on to my dreams. People dismiss me as a gullible, naive fool. Maybe. But nevertheless, I realize that it is because of my stubbornness, I've been able to brave through all those unhappiness and difficulties life has blessed me with. Because with vision and dreams comes direction, and that direction illuminates so powerfully that you realize whatever obstacles you face in the darkness becomes clearer and less difficult as you reach nearer and nearer to your destination.
I do not deny how idealistic I really am. I have lofty dreams high up above in the sky and some, as people say, are not realistic. Perhaps. But I've chose not to believe in impossibilities. I prefer to believe that they are just possibilities not yet proven possible. It is because of my dreams I remain optimistic about life. It is because of my dreams I live with purpose and meaning. It is because of my dreams I am strong.
Like Coach Elgin said, truly, the cemetery and graveyards are the richest places on earth. Simply because they're filled with the multitudes of dreams people had before death. But these dreams are sadly dreams that people die unfulfilled. And many times, it is because they've thought that those dreams were impossible to be fulfilled, before they even tried. People are scared of their dreams, because when sacrifices are not reciprocated, people get hurt. But I'd like to say, it is because of sacrifice and lessons we grow and achieve.
Right now, every inch of my body is trembling, because my DSA audition for my the "Jerusalem" of my dreams is tomorrow. Through all these months, I've put in tremendous efforts and sacrifice for that very moment tomorrow. I'm truly anxious and nervous. But, because I have a dream, and I'm just these few steps away from my dreams, I pray hard to God in heaven. Truly let His will be done. Dr Lee, please see my passion and my deep, profound love for music and ultimately my very desperate desire to get in to ACJC and be your student. Please look into my eyes, and hear my spirit scream in dedication and hunger for music.
Once again, at this final few laps, the image of myself is becoming clearer and clearer.
I see Sae. He is looking very smart and hopeful wearing the ACJC uniform he has yearned for so long. He looks up at the sky, the sun has rose, he carries his bag pack and walks into the junior college along the roads of Dover Close. Taking another deep breath and smiling, he sets his eyes onto his school logo on his shirt then kissing his cross, he walks in. Welcome to Jerusalem. In his hands, is an instrument case and in it lies his catalyst of destiny - a saxophone. He, Sae Seah Chun Heng, identified as S9270667B, birthed February 3rd, 1992, is a student at the Anglo-Chinese Junior College.
Tomorrow, at the audition, my greatest fear is not that I am inadequate, but that I would be powerful beyond measure. In Jesus name, I am a student at the Anglo-Chinese Junior College, Hallelujah!
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.
but that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
-Nelson Mandela
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