It's the World I Know
My sister left for China today. Good riddance. That was mean. But anyway, I always didn't like her for this and that - it's ironic with siblings. Staying with a sibling is...kind of a love-hate relationship I guess. They can be one of those people you abhor most but at the same time love dearly. She cried before entering the immigration, she said she would miss the family so much. As much as I feel like saying "whatever" and roll my eyes, I actually felt touched - though I hate to admit it.
I never really liked my sister for her attitude, personality and such. I didn't like her attention-seeking, I didn't like her rudeness, I sometimes find her stupid and such. But there is one very powerful thing about her I admire - her love and desire for her family, and it's togetherness regardless of what happens. Many a times, I've always haboured desire to leave the family or didn't bother even if it breaks up but to my sister, regardless of what happens, she whole-heartedly just wants a complete family. Through the many problems my family faced, I realized that my sister is actually the bonding catalyst in the family. This is another of the greatest qualities I've ever discovered in man and spoke about in many of my posts - unconditionality.
She really taught me indirectly what being a family is a about, loving each other no matter what happens. What most people find most difficult in the world is yet the most basic trait of this 10 years old girl. She doesn't blame anyone for anything, she just wishes to live in a complete family and many times, it's that vulnerability that makes us reconsider what we're doing. She is one of the reasons my family still exists quite intact today, even though another sibling can't still quite let go of the past. Nevertheless, it only lets us realize how much selfish man can be as life robs him of his innocence. The most powerful qualities sometimes are the most basic ones. Yet these basic ones are that of which adults neglect most of the time. The cares of life and weight of pride usually forces us to ignore these virtues. Let's start slowing down our pace and look at the world through the eyes of children, can we?
There is this song, extremely inspiring, written by Collective Souls. It's entitled, "The World I Know."
Has our conscience shown?
Has the sweet breeze blown?
Has all the kindness gone?
Hope still lingers on.
I drink myself of newfound pity
Sitting alone in New York City
And I don't know why.
Has the sweet breeze blown?
Has all the kindness gone?
Hope still lingers on.
I drink myself of newfound pity
Sitting alone in New York City
And I don't know why.
Are we listening?
Hymns of offering.
Have we eyes to see?
Love is gathering.
All the words that I've been reading
Have now started the act of bleeding
Into one.
So I walk up on high
And I step to the edge
To see my world below.
And I laugh at myself
While the tears roll down.
'Cause it's the world I know.
It's the world I know.
The lyrics, in the very simple essence of itself is the summary of the world today. Are we listening? Have we eyes to see? Hope still lingers on, and that's what people are searching for in vain as selfishness and politics corrode the society. I dreamt of a century, but everyone dies if this stupidity goes on. I amuse myself to see my world below.

Everything pulls away, and we fall with thousand pound weights. Falling into my wonderland, little houses and big dreams. I step to the edge to see my world below and laugh at myself while tears roll down - because it's the world I know.
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