Monday, September 8, 2008

Updates, finally, yes.

Alright, it's been seriously ages since I last blog. But you cannot blame a very innocent little school boy for being so busy with his studies can you? It appears that the exams have developed for me a very sick and perverted pleasure - I'm actually starting to enjoy studying. Serious, I'm so not lying I tell you.

And that's the catch isn't it? When you start enjoying the subject, you enjoy studying the subject and it ain't such a chore anymore, you dig? Yes, seriously applaud for my attainment of nirvana.

The exams also directed me to the discovery of caffeine. It might be there all along, but I've just been ignoring it, but this substance is magic, no joke. A cup of black coffee, two dollops of sugar, a very hyperactive Sae that had unearthly amounts of energy. I haven't slept for a whole night, and yet I'm still feeling energetic, how amazing is that thing? I've decided to make black coffee and obscene amounts of sugar my best friends for these few weeks. Blargh, that's good diet too, caffeine increases metabolism ((:

And these days, I'm craving to run for no apparent reason as well. I think I'm having male PMS. Hugs, bolsters, conversations, chocolates, even tofu - these random cravings just ambush me in the middle of the night and leave me whining for them, victimizing me and leaving me unglamourous as can be. I cannot understand that jelly up in my skull seriously, what is it doing to me!?

I'm seriously allowing myself to waste time today, because I'm actually blogging. It was a irresistable urge stimulated by the keyboard towards my fingers, triggering the receptors to send nervous impulses to the central nervous system via the sensory neurones, whereby the brain, upon receiving the impulses relayed over by the relay neurones from the sensory neurones send nerve impulse via the motor neurone back towards my fingers, the effectors, which respond in this very sacred piece of blog post. Yes, I love biology ((:

So, kids, he who is shameless shall now say good bye to kiss his books' asses. Remember to stay up late and kill some bunnies!

Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers, you just breath deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed but sometimes the pain gets you where you least expect it. Hits way below the belt and doesn't let up. Pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can't outrun it and life always makes more.

Dr. Meredith Grey
Grey's Anatomy


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